I want to create a custom Activity. I Need to have a combobox Bind to OData Source
I put a property on my Activity to send the value.
When I select my value from the combobox, the property is not affected
How can i do
lool my designer wpf
x:Class="GetBacthVarDesign" >
<ResourceDictionary >
<sapc:ModelToObjectValueConverter x:Key="ModelToObjectValueConverter"/>
<Grid Height="30" HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="grid1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="280">
<RowDefinition Height="30" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<Label Content="Variables de lot" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<ComboBox Grid.Row=" 0" Grid.Column=" 1" ItemsSource="{Binding}"
SelectedValue ="{Binding ModelItem.BatchVar, Converter={StaticResource ModelToObjectValueConverter}, Mode=TwoWay }"
VerticalAlignment="Center" >
Look My vb code
Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Data.Services.Client
Class GetBacthVarDesign
Private Context As TFDATAWebReference1.TF5100Context
Private TrackedVar As DataServiceCollection(Of TFDATAWebReference1.Batch_Var)
Private Sub GetBacthVarDesign_Loaded(sender As Object, e As Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
Context = New TFDATAWebReference1.TF5100Context(New Uri("http://localhost/TFDataWeb/TFDataService.svc"))
Dim BatchVarQuery = From v In Context.Batch_Var
Select v
TrackedVar = New DataServiceCollection(Of TFDATAWebReference1.Batch_Var)(BatchVarQuery)
Me.DataContext = TrackedVar
End Sub
End Class
Look my activity
Imports System.Activities
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public NotInheritable Class GetBacthVar
Inherits CodeActivity
'Définir un argument d'entrée d'activité de type String
Public Property BatchVar As TFDATAWebReference1.Batch_Var
'Public Property BatchvarValues As OutArgument(Of Batch_Var_Values)
' Si votre activité retourne une valeur, dérivez de CodeActivity(Of TResult)
' et retournez la valeur à partir de la méthode Execute.
Protected Overrides Sub Execute(ByVal context As CodeActivityContext)
'Obtenir la valeur runtime de l'argument d'entrée Text
' context.SetValue(BatchvarValues, General.CreateVBatchVarValue(BatchVar, New BatchContext))
End Sub
End Class
Thanks for your reply
I am pretty sure that the issue is with the ModelItem binding on your activity designer. I don't think you can do traditional two way binding on the (WF) ModelItem as its not a 'dynamic' type where by you just access the property by name. Generally the way to access the model item properties is via the properties collection -
Rather than
ModelItem.BatchVar = "text"
I have edited your sample code to include the following event handler for your combobox selected item change event.
Xaml -
<ComboBox Grid.Row=" 0" Grid.Column=" 1" ItemsSource="{Binding}"
SelectedValue ="{Binding ModelItem.BatchVar, Converter={StaticResource ModelToObjectValueConverter}, Mode=TwoWay }"
VerticalAlignment="Center" SelectionChanged="ComboBox_SelectionChanged" >
Code Behind -
Private Sub ComboBox_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs)
Dim text As String = DirectCast(sender, Windows.Controls.ComboBox).SelectedItem
End Sub