I have the following code which was implemeted with MongoDb 2.0 c# driver. But I need to access to the MailLists
collection of Profile
which will be inserted. I've written the expected solution using p
in constructor, but how to implement it via multiple operation?
IMongoCollection<Profile> dbCollection = DetermineCollectionName<Profile>();
var filter = Builders<Profile>.Filter.In(x => x.ID, profiles.Select(x => x.ID));
var updateMl = Builders<Profile>.Update.AddToSet(p => p.MailLists, new Profile2MailList
MailListId = maillistId,
Status = p.MailLists.MergeMailListStatuses(),
SubscriptionDate = DateTime.UtcNow
dbCollection.UpdateManyAsync(filter, updateMl, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true });
I found the following solution:
IMongoCollection<Profile> dbCollection = DetermineCollectionName<Profile>();
var filter = Builders<Profile>.Filter.In(x => x.ID, profiles.Select(x => x.ID));
var profile2maillists = new List<Profile2MailList>();
foreach(var profile in profiles)
new Profile2MailList
MailListId = maillistId,
Status = profile.MailLists.MergeMailListStatuses(),
SubscriptionDate = DateTime.UtcNow
var updateMl = Builders<Profile>.Update.AddToSetEach(p => p.MailLists, profile2maillists);
dbCollection.UpdateManyAsync(filter, updateMl, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true });