Yeah...that is easy to understand loops. I know what each loop does. But the problem with me is that each new problem creates new troubles for me. I get stucked and if somehow I can solve one, there is always a better solution on web and that discourages me. Every problem related to loops is confusing. I would like to clear that I am a beginner but is that really normal for a beginner? What would you expect from a beginner who started learning c++ from the last month?
Don't be disappointed by seeing that there are better solutions out there. There will always be something better. The important thing is that how much you learn from your each experience. Try to implements the things you learn each time you code. One month is too less of a time to get used to any language. You will get better. I also felt similar things when I started to code. Things will become more clear with each experience you face. Just trust yourself and code. It will be fun :)