How can I save a dendrogram generated by scipy into Newick format?
You need the linkage matrix Z, which is the input to the scipy dendrogram function, and convert that to Newick format. Additionally, you need a list 'leaf_names' with the names of your leaves. Here is a function that will do the job:
def get_newick(node, parent_dist, leaf_names, newick='') -> str:
Convert sciply.cluster.hierarchy.to_tree()-output to Newick format.
:param node: output of sciply.cluster.hierarchy.to_tree()
:param parent_dist: output of sciply.cluster.hierarchy.to_tree().dist
:param leaf_names: list of leaf names
:param newick: leave empty, this variable is used in recursion.
:returns: tree in Newick format
if node.is_leaf():
return "%s:%.2f%s" % (leaf_names[], parent_dist - node.dist, newick)
if len(newick) > 0:
newick = "):%.2f%s" % (parent_dist - node.dist, newick)
newick = ");"
newick = get_newick(node.get_left(), node.dist, leaf_names, newick=newick)
newick = get_newick(node.get_right(), node.dist, leaf_names, newick=",%s" % (newick))
newick = "(%s" % (newick)
return newick
tree = hierarchy.to_tree(Z, False)
get_newick(tree, tree.dist, leaf_names)