I am trying to use Angular-Formly together with angular ui-select using $http for results.
The options should refresh as the user types in. When I set the model from another text input, the ui-select updates correctly and show the corresponding results based on what was typed into the text box.
When I however type straight into the ui-select box, I am not getting values back and the templateOptions.options function does not fire and the $viewvalue
is not updated.
I also don't seem to have access to the $select.search
results which are updated but are not available in the expressionProperties.
Please see the following JSBin that reproduces the error :
I would appreciate help on this.
I have an early Christmas present for you. I've updated the ui-select example to have exactly what you want :-) A few notes on why yours didn't work:
or model
changes which is an optimization to reduce the number of watchers (because all expressionProperties share a single watcher). The problem with this is, your model didn't get updated until after an option was selected, so yeah.group-By
, but the templateOptions
didn't have a groupBy
. You could use a templateManipulator
to dynamically add a group-by
if one is present on the templateOptions
, but my solution doesn't demonstrate this.Also, checkout the note at the top:
// NOTE: This next line is highly recommended. Otherwise Chrome's autocomplete will appear over your options!
formlyConfig.extras.removeChromeAutoComplete = true;
I hope this is helpful!