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In-app purchases MKStoreKit empty available products

I've got a problems with in-app purchases with using MKStoreKit. What already done:

  1. App id was already created and tested via test flight
  2. All contracts and agreements are valid
  3. Created non-consumable in-app purchase (all fields are filled and screenshot attached) status: Waiting for review
  4. Created new certificate, provision profile, removed previous build from device
  5. Downloaded MKStoreKit and filled needable plist with array "Others" where ["Item 0" : ""] and string with SharedSecret key
  6. Project's "Bundle identifier" == iTunes Connects' Bundle ID
  7. Created sandbox test profile (but, whatever, I cant even receive a list of products)
  8. In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: added


    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(kMKStoreKitProductsAvailableNotification, object: nil, queue: NSOperationQueue()) { (note) -> Void in
        println("products available : \(MKStoreKit.sharedKit().availableProducts)")

what I see in console:

Invalid Product IDs: ( "" )

products available : []

what I have missed?


  • Have you taken a look at this: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore and In-App-Purchase

    If you still have questions or problems you should take a look at video tutorial on It covers everything you need to know about implementing MKStorekit into your app: