I'd like to align an xtable figure caption left adjusted with the table, or if that doesn't work, at least centered, because I think it looks kind of stupid a small table being centered and the corresponding caption being left aligned. Also, left aligning both table and caption is not optimal.
It should be possible using latex.environments = "left"
, but I get an error message, just like in this post.
I don't think the problem lies in the referencing, because I get the same error message with and without label="myLabel"
Here a MWE:
<<table, echo=FALSE, results='asis'>>=
print(xtable(lm(mpg~hp, data=mtcars), caption="Linear Model", label="myLabel") , caption.placement = "top", latex.environments="left")
The error (short form, for long version see this post again):
Missing $ inserted.
Missing delimiter (. inserted)
Missing $ inserted
Missing \right. inserted
Does somebody know a solution? Left aligned with left side of the table or centered, I'd be happy with any solution.
Ok so I found a solution to at least center the table captions, using package caption, specifying