Up and downvotes are functional yet I'd like to do a check like "If the user is a downvoter or an upvoter" and do the right thing which is explained below
upvote: function(postId) {
check(this.userId, String);
check(postId, String);
var affected = Posts.update({
_id: postId,
upvoters: {$ne: this.userId}
$addToSet: {
upvoters: this.userId
$inc: {
upvotes: 1
if (! affected)
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid', "You already up-voted this post");
downvote: function(postId) {
check(this.userId, String);
check(postId, String);
var affected = Posts.update({
_id: postId,
downvoters: {$ne: this.userId},
}, {
$addToSet: {
downvoters: this.userId
$inc: {
downvotes: 1
if (! affected)
throw new Meteor.Error('invalid', "You already down-voted this post");
With my code above, users can upvote and downvote once, but they can do both...
I wrote the code for what happens if a user is a downvoter and clicks upvote but I couldn't figure out how to check if the user is a downvoter or an upvoter.
$pull: {
downvoters: this.userId
$addToSet: {
upvoters: this.userId
$inc: {
downvotes: -1
$inc: {
upvotes: 1
EDIT: Even though the accepted answer works fine, I found an issue with it. When you click fast, it might increment the vote count 2-3 times. Instead of incrementing vote count, I only insert userId and simply count how many IDs there are inside the upvoters/downvoters array which gives the same result & it never inserts the same userId twice.
Inside the helpers for the count:
return this.upvoters.length
Also, inArray is a useful tool for checking if the value you have is inside an array.
if($.inArray(Meteor.userId(), this.upvoters)) //gives true if the current user's ID is inside the array
You will have to fetch the post and see if it contains the user's id in its downvoters
var post = Posts.findOne(postId);
if (post.downvoters && _.contains(post.downvoters, this.userId)) {
_id: postId
$pull: {
downvoters: this.userId
$addToSet: {
upvoters: this.userId
$inc: {
downvotes: -1,
upvotes: 1