What is the recommended way of using a Postgres ltree common to store product categories?
For example, my column could contain an ltree path such as "1.2.3"
where 1
, 2
, and 3
are foreign keys into a table of category labels which can be displayed to the user:
id | name
1 | Hardware
2 | Computers
3 | Video Cards
Now, for a given product, I would like to select its category and materialize it like "Hardware > Computers > Video Cards"
In PG 9.4+:
SELECT p.id, string_agg(c.name, ' > ' ORDER BY t.ord) AS label
FROM product p
JOIN regexp_split_to_table(p.category::text, '[.]') WITH ORDINALITY t(category, ord) ON true
JOIN categories c ON c.id = t.category::int
GROUP BY p.id;
This line:
regexp_split_to_table(p.category::text, '[.]') WITH ORDINALITY t(category, ord)
takes the ltree
column and then breaks it up into rows, one for each element in the ltree
clause will add a row number to the output, here with alias ord
. That row number is used in the string_agg()
function to keep the category labels in their correct order.
If you are using an older version of PG (9.0+) then (you should upgrade or else) you should do:
SELECT p.id, string_agg(c.name, ' > ' ORDER BY t.ord) AS label
FROM product p
JOIN generate_series(1, nlevel(p.category)) t(ord) ON true
JOIN categories c ON c.id = subltree(p.category, t.ord - 1, t.ord)::text::int
GROUP BY p.id;
This is less efficient because the ltree
has to be parsed for every individual element contained within it (subltree(...)