I am very new to C++ and trying to create a simple Student
class with a vector of scores of type int
Here's my class:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Student {
string last;
string first;
vector<int> scores(10);
Student():last(""), first("") {}
Student(string l, string f) {
last = l;
first = f;
~Student() {
last = "";
first = "";
Student(Student& s) {
last = s.last;
first = s.first;
scores = s.scores;
Student& operator = (Student& s) {
last = s.last;
first = s.first;
scores = s.scores;
return *this;
void addScore(int n) {
For some reason, I'm getting multiple reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments
in reference to the vector scores
Here's my full list of errors:
main.cpp:15:22: error: expected parameter declarator
vector<int> scores(10);
main.cpp:15:22: error: expected ')'
main.cpp:15:21: note: to match this '('
vector<int> scores(10);
main.cpp:30:4: error: reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments?
scores = s.scores;
main.cpp:35:4: error: reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments?
scores = s.scores;
main.cpp:35:15: error: reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments?
scores = s.scores;
main.cpp:40:4: error: reference to non-static member function must be called; did you mean to call it with no arguments?
I've tried many things but still have no idea where these errors are coming from. I'm very new to C++, so please forgive me. Any help would be appreciated.
You can't initialize a data member like this:
vector<int> scores(10);
You need one of these forms instead:
vector<int> scores = vector<int>(10);
vector<int> scores = vector<int>{10};
vector<int> scores{vector<int>(10)};
The reason is to avoid initializations that could look like function declarations. Note that this is syntactically valid:
but it initializes the vector to have size 1, with a single element with value 10.