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C++ Function call via an object with public member pointer to function, without using dereference operator

Alright, I think the title is sufficiently descriptive (yet confusing, sorry).

I'm reading this library: Timer1.

In the header file there is a public member pointer to a function as follows:

class TimerOne
  void (*isrCallback)();  // C-style ptr to `void(void)` function

There exists an instantiated object of the TimerOne class, called "Timer1".

Timer1 calls the function as follows:


How is this correct? I am familiar with calling functions via function pointers by using the dereference operator.



So I would have expected the above call via the object to be something more like:


So, what are the acceptable options for calling functions via function pointers, as both stand-alone function pointers and members of an object?

See also:

  1. [very useful!] Typedef function pointer?
  2. Kind of related, and asked 9 years later by someone else: Correct syntax use function pointers in C

Summary of the answer:

These are all valid and fine ways to call a function pointer:

// etc.
(**********************************f)(); // also valid


  • Things you can do with a function pointer.

    1: The first is calling the function via explicit dereference:

    int myfunc(int n)
    int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc; 
    (*myfptr)(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.

    2: The second way is via implicit dereference:

    int myfunc(int n)
    int (*myfptr)(int) = myfunc;
    myfptr(nValue); // call function myfunc(nValue) through myfptr.

    As you can see, the implicit dereference method looks just like a normal function call -- which is what you’d expect, since function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers!!

    In your code:

    void foo()
        cout << "hi" << endl;
    class TimerOne
    int main()
        TimerOne Timer1;
        Timer1.isrCallback = &foo;   //Assigning the address
        //Timer1.isrCallback = foo;   //We could use this statement as well, it simply proves function are simply implicitly convertible to function pointers. Just like arrays decay to pointer.
        Timer1.isrCallback();         //Implicit dereference
        (*Timer1.isrCallback)();      //Explicit dereference
            return 0;