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Use jspm to load script that depends on global jQuery

Yes I've read How do I shim a non CommonJS, non AMD package which depends on global jQuery & lodash?.

I'm trying to load X.js, through jspm, which is not a 'package' but an old js file I have no control over that needs a global jQuery object and needs to run like it is in a script tag.

I'm using System.import('app/X'); to load it.

I tried various shim / globals tricks to make it load but I can't quite figure it out.

How would one write the config.js to be able to import that X file so that it sees a global jQuery object? Do I have to make X a 'package' and install it to be able to shim it better?



  • If you installed jquery through jspm, all you need is to set the meta 'deps' property like this:

      meta: {
        'app/X': {
           deps: ['jquery']

    Be sure to get the X path correctly and check how jspm sets up System.config 'paths' and 'map', by default trailing .js is added automatically (with paths *.js wildcard) so you must not add it.

    Maybe try to look at these links from the documentation as well