I am trying to do multi-column sorting in django-tables2.
I can add ?sort=date&sort=job_number
to the end of my url and it will sort by date, then job number.
But when a user clicks a column heading, it will replace the current sort querystring with the new one! Is there a way to more elegantly expose multi-column sort to the end users?
I am using the 'querystring' tag from django-tables2, but as stated above, it rewrites the value instead of appending it.
Okay, I have worked out a solution that works, but it isn't quite perfect, so if anyone wants to propose something better, I'm all ears!
First, I created a new templatetag (see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/custom-template-tags/ for details about where to put a custom templatetag)
from django import template
from django_tables2.templatetags.django_tables2 import querystring
register = template.Library()
@register.inclusion_tag('django_tables2/header.html', takes_context=True)
def render_header(context):
for column in context['table'].columns:
column.sort_existing = False
if 'sort' in context['request'].GET:
if column.name in context['request'].GET['sort']:
column.sort_existing = True
return context
Then, I created a custom template called django_tables2/header.html for that tag to use:
{% load querystring from django_tables2 %}
{% for column in table.columns %}
{% if column.orderable %}
{% if column.sort_existing %}
<th {{ column.attrs.th.as_html }}><a href='{% querystring table.prefixed_order_by_field=column.order_by_alias.next %}'>{{ column.header }}</a></th>
{% else %}
<th {{ column.attrs.th.as_html }}><a href='{% querystring %}&{{ table.prefixed_order_by_field }}={{ column.order_by_alias }}'>{{ column.header }}</a></th>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<th {{ column.attrs.th.as_html }}>{{ column.header }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And Finally, I altered my django_tables2/table.html template to use my custom templatetag to render the table header, replace the table.thead block with:
{% block table.thead %}
{% render_header %}
{% endblock table.thead %}
And that should do the trick! Clicking on multiple column headers will sort them in the order clicked, clicking on a the same one twice will clear previous selections (and reverse the order). It isn't perfect. Perhaps I'll improve upon it later, but it works for my immediate use case.
Perhaps I will reach out to the django_tables2 project to see if they are interested in including my custom template tag into the main project :)
EDIT: I should note, this requires 'django.core.context_processors.request' or equivalent in your context processors in your settings.
EDIT: Fixed table.html to correct code. Also, see https://github.com/bradleyayers/django-tables2/issues/223 to track this issue.