I write the following files to solve question https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/2442487/dashboard#s=p0
In the solution, I use a stack (my first stack implementation in c), however when it dynamically reduce stack size from 64 to 32, the program crashed.
After some debugging, I found that NULL is returned when realloc is called to adjust the buffer size. But I have no idea what is wrong or even how to figure out what is wrong.
Please help OTZ.
#define DECL_STACK_TYPE(type, name) \
typedef struct stack_##name { \
type * buffer; \
int size; \
int top; \
} * name; \
void stack_delete(name s) { \
free(s->buffer); \
free(s); \
} \
type stack_peek(name s) { \
return (s->buffer[s->top]); \
} \
int stack_isEmpty(name s) { \
return (s->top == -1); \
} \
int stack_isFull(name s) { \
return (s->top == s->size-1); \
} \
name newStack(int size) { \
if (size<4) size = 4; \
name s; \
s = malloc(sizeof(struct stack_##name)); \
s->buffer = (type*) malloc(size*sizeof(type)); \
s->size = size; \
s->top = -1; \
return s; \
} \
int stack_push(name s, type item) { \
type * temp; \
if (stack_isFull(s)) { \
temp = (type*) realloc(s->buffer, s->size*2*sizeof(type)); \
if (!temp) return 0; \
s->size *= 2; \
} \
s->buffer[++s->top] = item;\
return 1; \
} \
type stack_pop(name s) { \
type temp; \
temp = s->buffer[s->top--]; \
if (s->top * 4 <= s->size && s->size >= 8) { \
s->size /= 2; \
type * temp_buffer = s->buffer; \
s->buffer = (type*) realloc(s->buffer, s->size*sizeof(type)); \
} \
return temp; \
typedef struct {
int origin;
int end;
int count;
} J,*pJ;
int compare_J(const void * ip1, const void * ip2) {
pJ p1 = (pJ) ip1;
pJ p2 = (pJ) ip2;
if (p1->origin != p2->origin) {
return (int) (p1->origin-p2->origin);
} else if (p1->end != p2->end) {
return (int) p1->end-p2->end;
} else {
return (int) p1->count-p2->count;
int ticket_cost(int from, int to, int n) {
int i,ans;
ans = 0;
for (i=0;i<to-from;i++) {
ans += n-i;
return ans;
int main() {
int T,N,M;
J j[1000],j_temp;
int i,k,t,ans,index,cur_end,cur_count,iter;
for (t=1;t<=T;t++) {
ans = 0;
scanf("%d %d",&N,&M);
for (i=0;i<M;i++) {
scanf("%d %d %d",&(j[i].origin),&(j[i].end),&(j[i].count));
ans += ticket_cost(j[i].origin, j[i].end, N)*(j[i].count);
stack s = newStack(4);
index = 1;
for (i=0;i<M;i++) {
cur_end = j[i].end;
cur_count = j[i].count;
while (index<M && j[index].origin<=cur_end) {
while (cur_count > 0) {
j_temp = stack_pop(s);
k = (cur_count<j_temp.count)?cur_count:j_temp.count;
ans -= ticket_cost(j_temp.origin, cur_end, N)*k;
cur_count -= k;
if (j_temp.count > k) {
j_temp.count -= k;
printf("Case #%d: %d\n",t,ans);
is a reasonable value for realloc
to return
will return:
In short, you ran out of memory