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Why does a TestMethod has access to internal properties?

I am very new to testing, and I ran into a particular scenario where a Test Project's Test Method has access to an internal property. Is this working as designed, or can someone please explain to me why this works?

Snippet from Test Class:

/// <summary>This class contains parameterized unit tests for NWatchSystemConfiguration</summary>
    [PexAllowedExceptionFromTypeUnderTest(typeof(ArgumentException), AcceptExceptionSubtypes = true)]
    public partial class NWatchSystemConfigurationTest
        public void CreateEncryptedPropertyTest()
            const string propertyName = "createdEncryptedProperty";
            const string propertyValue = "testValue";

            const string expected = propertyValue;

            target.CreateProperty(propertyName, propertyValue, true); 

            var actual = target.AppSettings.Settings[propertyName].Value;  // AppSettings is an internal property

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

Snippet from class being tested:

public class NWatchSystemConfiguration : NWatchConfigurationBase
        internal AppSettingsSection AppSettings;

        // Output emitted for brevity


  • if you haven't use InternalsVisibleTo attribute in your AssembnlyInfo.cs you won't be able to access it. Take a look at your assemblyinfo.cs. I think you will find something like [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("TestAssemblyName")] there.