Is it possible to return an alias from a subroutine in Perl?
I have a simple example:
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
package Test;
my $value = 'old';
sub get_value {
return \$value;
sub set_value {
my ($x) = @_;
$value = $x;
my $test = Test::get_value();
say $$test;
say $$test;
This is essentially the functionality I want, however I would like to find a way to make $test
and alias to $value
so I can access the data without dereferencing it. Is this possible?
Here is an example of the syntax I want:
ex (pseudo code):
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw{ say };
package Test;
my $value = 'old';
sub get_value {
# return alias to $value
sub set_value {
my ($x) = @_;
$value = $x;
# Gets an alias, NOT a reference
my $test = Test::get_value();
# Print old
say $test;
# Print new
say $test;
I've been reading about aliases and everything keeps pointing to "typeglobs"... but it looks like using typeglobs requires the use of global variables and I would really like to avoid that.
Also I would like a solution that doesn't require installing any additional modules from CPAN since I need to get them approved by security and have them install it ... and so would anyone else here who wants to use my script.
First a word of warning. You are requesting information on performing an extremely poor practice. Actions at a distance should be eliminated, not sought.
You can bind two names to the same SV
. A name bound as such is called an alias. You can't return a bound name, so you can't return an alias.
How about returning an object that overloads stringification?
$ perl -E'
use String::Defer qw( );
my $value = "old";
sub set_value { $value = $_[0] }
sub get_value { String::Defer->new(\$value) }
my $value = get_value();
say $value;
say $value;
What you should do instead is return a reference.
$ perl -E'
my $value = "old";
sub set_value { $value = $_[0] }
sub get_ref { \$value }
my $value_ref = get_ref();
say $$value_ref;
say $$value_ref;