How can I change the text color of the menu items of a QML MenuBar
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3 as QtQuickControlStyle
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Test")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
property color menuBackgroundColor: "#3C3C3C"
property color menuBorderColor: "#282828"
menuBar: MenuBar {
style: QtQuickControlStyle.MenuBarStyle {
padding {
left: 8
right: 8
top: 3
bottom: 3
background: Rectangle {
border.color: menuBorderColor
color: menuBackgroundColor
// font: // how to set font color to red?
// textColor: "red" /* does not work - results in Cannot assign to non-existent property "textColor" */
TextField { // does also not work
style: TextFieldStyle {
textColor: "red"
A similar question has been asked here but it seems not to work with menu items.
You have to redefine itemDelegate
and itemDelegate.label
for menuStyle
. The former defines the style of the MenuBar
text whereas the latter defines the style of menu items text.
In the following example I defined a full style for MenuBar
and Menu
s, not only for their text. scrollIndicator
is the only missing piece here. It can be represented as a Text
or an Image
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Test")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
property color menuBackgroundColor: "#3C3C3C"
property color menuBorderColor: "#282828"
menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: "File"
MenuItem { text: "Open..." }
MenuItem { text: "Close" }
Menu {
title: "Edit"
MenuItem { text: "Cut"; checkable: true}
MenuItem { text: "Copy" }
MenuItem { text: "Paste" }
MenuSeparator {visible: true }
Menu {
title: "submenu"
style: MenuBarStyle {
padding {
left: 8
right: 8
top: 3
bottom: 3
background: Rectangle {
id: rect
border.color: menuBorderColor
color: menuBackgroundColor
itemDelegate: Rectangle { // the menus
implicitWidth: lab.contentWidth * 1.4 // adjust width the way you prefer it
implicitHeight: lab.contentHeight // adjust height the way you prefer it
color: styleData.selected || ? "red" : "transparent"
Label {
id: lab
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: styleData.selected || ? "white" : "red"
font.wordSpacing: 10
text: styleData.text
menuStyle: MenuStyle { // the menus items
id: goreStyle
frame: Rectangle {
color: menuBackgroundColor
itemDelegate {
background: Rectangle {
color: styleData.selected || ? "red" : menuBackgroundColor
radius: styleData.selected ? 3 : 0
label: Label {
color: styleData.selected ? "white" : "red"
text: styleData.text
submenuIndicator: Text {
text: "\u25ba"
font: goreStyle.font
color: styleData.selected || ? "white" : "red"
styleColor: Qt.lighter(color, 4)
shortcut: Label {
color: styleData.selected ? "white" : "red"
text: styleData.shortcut
checkmarkIndicator: CheckBox { // not strinctly a Checkbox. A Rectangle is fine too
checked: styleData.checked
style: CheckBoxStyle {
indicator: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: goreStyle.font.pixelSize
implicitHeight: implicitWidth
radius: 2
color: control.checked ? "red" : menuBackgroundColor
border.color: control.activeFocus ? menuBackgroundColor : "red"
border.width: 2
Rectangle {
visible: control.checked
color: "red"
border.color: menuBackgroundColor
border.width: 2
radius: 2
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 10
// scrollIndicator: // <--- could be an image
separator: Rectangle {
width: parent.width
implicitHeight: 2
color: "white"
And here is the resulting MenuBar
and Menu
You can also choose to set a MenuStyle
directly inside a Menu
, in the style
property. Something like this:
Menu {
title: "File"
MenuItem { text: "Open..." }
MenuItem { text: "Close" }
style: MenuStyle {
itemDelegate.label: Label {
color: "blue"
text: styleData.text
// stuff above here
In this last example only the "File" Menu
items are styled with a blue
color for text. One can argue how much ugly that would be, though.