I am using supertest with async to test some websites. When I execute the test with mocha, the end function is not entered. I added some logging to the end function but it isn't printed. When I remove the async.each, the end function is entered because I see the logging. Any idea what seems to be wrong? Is supertest not compatible with async?
Here is my code:
describe('Era', function() {
it('Does era run?', function(done) {
async.each(config.url.era, function(url) {
console.log('Opening connection to ' + url);
request(url).get('/rest/status').expect(200).end(function(err, res) {
if(err) return done(err);
console.log('Time to assert some stuff');
assert.equal(res.text.indexOf('up') > -1, 'Node ' + url + ' failed with status ' + res.statusCode);
async.each() is expecting a callback for each iteration to continue on. In addition, an optional callback at the end of async.each() can be used to call done(). Here is the revised code:
describe('Era', function() {
it('Does era run?', function(done) {
async.each(config.url.era, function(url, eachCb) {
console.log('Opening connection to ' + url);
request(url).get('/rest/status').expect(200).end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return eachCb(err); // terminate the loop
console.log('Time to assert some stuff');
assert.equal(res.text.indexOf('up') > -1, 'Node ' + url + ' failed with status ' + res.statusCode);
eachCb(null); // continue with the next iteration
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
// the above 2 statements can be simplify for just
// done(err); // err is an error or null
or above code can be simplified for just this:
describe('Era', function() {
it('Does era run?', function(done) {
async.each(config.url.era, function(url, eachCb) {
console.log('Opening connection to ' + url);
request(url).get('/rest/status').expect(200).end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return eachCb(err); // terminate the loop
console.log('Time to assert some stuff');
assert.equal(res.text.indexOf('up') > -1, 'Node ' + url + ' failed with status ' + res.statusCode);
eachCb(null); // continue with the next iteration
}, done); // async.each() will call done() with err or null as argument