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Excel '13 VBA Cascading ComboBox - Trouble getting unique values in Combobox2

I finally was able to get combobox2 to load with values that correspond with the selection made in combobox1. The issue is that i can not get only unique values to populate in combobox2. It returns all of the values based on combobox1's selection including the duplicates. I have moved the .clear to various spots in the code but that only changes it from loading multiple duplicate values to showing 1 total value or blank.

Here is the source where I am adapting the code from

("DATA") is the worksheet where my data is ("CHART") is the worksheet where my ComboBoxes are cmbRent = ComboBox1 cmbSub = ComboBox2

    Private Sub cmbRent_Change()

MyVal = Me.cmbRent.Value

'loop thru col B
lr = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

  'clear cmbSub

'loop thru
For x = 2 To lr
    If MyVal = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Cells(x, 1) Then
        'add to combobox
   ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CHART").cmbSub.AddItem ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Cells(x, 2)
  End If

Next x

      ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CHART").cmbSub.ListIndex = -1
End Sub


  • You need to add a check to see if these have already been added to the combobox. I've also used variables for the worksheets for ease of code readability and to make it faster to type.

    Dim wsChart As Worksheet
    Dim wsData As Worksheet
    Dim listOfValues As String 'To store list of values already added
    Dim ValueToAdd As String 'To store new value to add
    listOfValues = ""
    Set wsChart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("CHART") 
    Set wsData = ThisWOrkbook.Sheets("DATA")
    .....(insert rest of code here)
    For x = 2 To lr
        If MyVal = wsData.Cells(x, 1) Then
           'add to combobox
            ValueToAdd = wsData.Cells(x,2) 'Get value from worksheet
            If InStr(listOfValues, valueToAdd) = 0 Then
            'Check to see if the value has already been added
            'If not, add to values added and add the item to the combobox.
                  listOfValues = listOfValues & ValueToAdd
                  wsChart.cmbSub.AddItem valueToAdd
            End If
        End If
    Next x