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FPDF dynamic table position

I am using this script in order to create a pdf with several tables.

First i get a list of employees from a table and then, for every element in that list, i want to send to the pdf file the name of the employee and a table with his info. My problem is with the Y position i think, works fine on the first page but after that the tables don't show properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Here is my code:


$pdf=new FPDF();

$Y = 80;
$Y_Fields_Name_position = 90;
$Y_Table_Position = 96;

$get_data = $mysqli->query("SELECT name FROM employees ORDER BY name"); 
if ($get_data) {
while ($data = $get_data->fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH)) {

    $result = $mysqli->query("select departamento as Departamento, categoria as Categoria, count(*) as Totales from gestiones
                                        where date(fecha) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-31' and employee = '$data[0]'
                                        group by categoria
                                        order by Totales desc");    
    $number_of_products = $result->num_rows;

    if ($number_of_products > 0) {

        $column_departamento = "";
        $column_categoria = "";
        $column_totales = "";
        $total = 0;

        if ($result) {
                    while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {

                    $column_departamento = $column_departamento.$departamento."\n";
                    $column_categoria = $column_categoria.$categoria."\n";
                    $column_totales = $column_totales.$totales."\n";

                    //Sum totales
                    $total += $row[2];





        $Y = $Y + 90;
        $Y_Fields_Name_position = $Y_Fields_Name_position + 90;
        $Y_Table_Position = $Y_Table_Position + 90;

        $gran_total += $total;



$start_Y= $pdf->GetY();
$pdf->SetY($start_Y + 30);
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Total de Servicios: '.$gran_total);




Thanks in advance.


  • I added something like this and it seems to be working right:

    $start_Y = $pdf->GetY();
    if  ($start_Y > 200) {
        $Y = 10;
        $Y_Fields_Name_position = 20;
        $Y_Table_Position = 26;
    } else {
        $Y = $start_Y + 1;
        $Y_Fields_Name_position = $start_Y + 11;
        $Y_Table_Position = $start_Y + 17;
