As part of learning MFC i came across a situation where i create a rectangle dynamically in the OnPaint() of a dialog class something like this.
CPaintDC dc(this);
I want to get the device id of this rectangle from another function. The other function is the BtClick event function in the same dialog class.
void ThreadDialog::OnBnClickedButton3()
CWnd* pWnd = FromHandle(dlg.m_hWnd);
CDC* pDC = pWnd->GetDC ();
/* Here i wanted to get the device context of the rectangle drawn in OnPaint() */
So first i need the control id of the rectangle which was dynamically created so that after that i will be able to get device context to that rectangle.
Please help how to do it.
CDC::Rectangle() doesn't create anything, it just draws a rectangle on that DC. There is no ID or device context associated with that drawing.