I need read unzipped file to string. I added these lines.
fs.readFile("report.gz", function(err, data) {
zlib.gunzip(data, function(err, dezipped) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('length of data = ' + data.length);
console.log('length of dezipped =' + dezipped.length);
As a result I have only first line from my file (in dezipped variable), how can I read all lines ?
In console I see
length of data = 88875 (~ 85 Kb)
Length of dezipped = 528 (bytes)
I can conclude that dezipped are alredy cutted data.
I'm not sure if this is the case in your situation, but I can reproduce something similar by combining multiple gzip blocks into one file (which is perfectly valid AFAIK):
$ { echo ONE | gzip; echo TWO | gzip } > output.gz
$ gzcat output.gz
will only extract the first block:
$ node app.js
length of data = 48
length of dezipped =4
I found that zlibjs
will handle these files properly, though:
$ node app.js
length of data = 48
length of dezipped =8
It's a drop-in replacement, so this is all you need to do for your code to work:
var zlib = require('zlibjs');
Since it's pure JS, it will probably not be as fast, though.