I'm using rails gem 'geocoder' on my rails application. Here is the code:
class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
reverse_geocoded_by :latitude, :longitude do |obj,results|
if geo = results.first
obj.street = geo.street_address
obj.city = geo.city
obj.state = geo.state
obj.country = geo.country
after_validation :reverse_geocode
create_table "tests", force: :cascade do |t|
t.string "street"
t.string "city"
t.string "state"
t.string "country"
t.string "place_id"
After I create a Test model in rails console;
testLoc = Test.create(latitude: "49", longitude: "101")
it generates this Google Maps API: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?language=en&latlng=49.0%2C101.0&sensor=false
From there I can see that it has place_id.
"place_id" : "ChIJnasu3tKddF0RqAvcjn5EhBE",
If I add this code to test.rb just below obj.country,
obj.place_id = geo.place_id
it returns NoMethodError: undefined method `place_id' for #
So, how could i get that place_id by adding some code to my Test.rb?
First, parse the JSON from Google API
parsed_response = JSON.parse(results.to_json)
Then, get the value from place_id
obj.place_id = parsed_response[0]["data"]["place_id"]