I am using the "LineWithFocusChart" in the Angular-nvd3 directives. The link to this directive is here
Now I need to change the focus of this chart programmatically rather than using the focus chart below. The answer for this issue is in this stackoverflow question for the case of a simple nvd3 element. But I need to implement the same in the Angular directive of this chart.
I went through the docs and the issues on GitHub but to no avail. Can someone please help?
The dispatch function for brush changes can be as follows:
function (e) {
$timeout(function () {
$scope.tc.api.getScope().chart.brushExtent([e.extent[0], e.extent[1])
}, 400)
$scope.tc.api represents the api for the other chart you wish to manipulate. It needs to be added to the chart directive as 'api="tc.api"' and declared in the controller before it can be manipulated.
The timeout is important because the directive needs a bit of time before it is loaded and its API gets activated.
EDIT 1 @ackuser has kindly set up a plunkr for the solution. http://plnkr.co/edit/0je3AsF0wdjkFWUyvl02?p=preview