Whenever I try to pass other options to to_json on a react_component helper it is parsed just as plain string to the react prop.
<%= react_component "SelectableActivityLevel",
phase: UserService.active_phase(@user).to_json(methods: "pictures_url"),
activity_levels: @activity_levels
Results in
this.prop.activity_levels //Object (correct)
this.prop.phase //String (incorrect)
The documentation of the gem says:
props is either an object that responds to #to_json or an already-stringified JSON object (eg, made with Jbuilder, see note below).
This did not help a lot.
The Jbuilder example did't help also because I'm using to_json.
Thanks for you help.
I solved the problem using as_json instead
<%= react_component "SelectableActivityLevel",
phase: UserService.active_phase(@user).as_json(methods: :pictures_url),
activity_levels: @activity_levels
to_json was returning the string escaped. ex:
=> "{\"name\":\"bla bla\"}"
And react-rails just puts the prop as string when it's a string. (line 3)
html_options[:data].tap do |data|
data[:react_class] = name
data[:react_props] = (props.is_a?(String) ? props : props.to_json)
Don't know about performance issues for big collections, but I'm basically just serializing a simple object with a few fields, so I'm not worrying about it at all.