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DidEnterRegion only called if requestAlwaysAuthorization is called. Beacons

didEnterRegion and didExitRegion are only called after I request and allow Always Authorization for CoreLocation

Even if I request WhenInUseAuthorization didExit and didEnter won't be called

How am I supposed to trigger ranging of beacons if I can't get this to be called?

Any solutions?


Apple rejected my app for calling requestAlwaysAuthorization()

Here is my question submitted to the review team this morning:

In order to monitor beacon regions (a very core functionality of beacons used in many apps including some Apple apps) you need to have the user allow the app to access location even when not using the app. I am using .requestAlwaysAuthorization to enable beacons to monitor in the background. Why won't this be allowed?

Apples response this afternoon on iTunes Connect:

Thank you for your feedback. However, background location is not necessary for iBeacon functionality. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the background location feature before resubmission.

So if beacons are supposed to automatically monitor regions in the background, but I can't ask permission for background monitoring and beacons won't monitor in the background unless I get permission, how then am I supposed to monitor regions in the background??


  • Do you mean when the app is in the background? If so, then it is true that didEnterRegion and didExitRegion don't get called with only a WhenInUseAuthorization. They will only get called when you app is in the foreground and you enter/exit a region