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Are the or pipes not working?

For my very first Java project I'm trying to make a simple text-based game. It seems like the or pipes do not work and when I try to enter something in after it doesn't work; I have to restart it.

    public void GameStart() {
    String playerName = "Player";
    String Command = "Choice";
        System.out.println("Type Start to start game!");
    if(in.nextLine().equals("Start") || in.nextLine().equals("start")) {
        print("Type Begin to start game :D");
        if(in.nextLine().equals("Begin") || in.nextLine().equals("begin")) {
            System.out.println("Who are you?");

Start and Begin works, but having the first letter lowercase like I used || for doesn't. When I use those I have to restart it because I can't type anything, but I clearly have or pipes that says to use either one. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?


  • String str = in.nextLine();

    It will check both the lower and upper cases. You don't need to call equals() method twice, so it will optimize your code and readability.

    I hope this will solve your issue.