Is there anyway using OGNL to access private variables that aren't exposed as a bean property (ie no get
method pair)? I wanted to use OGNL as a faster, cleaner method of reflection for use in unit tests.
Here is my code:
public void shouldSetup() throws OgnlException{
class A{
private Object b = "foo";
private Object c = "bar";
public Object getB(){ return b; }
A a = new A();
System.out.println( "This'll work..." );
Ognl.getValue( "b", a );
System.out.println( "...and this'll fail..." );
Ognl.getValue( "c", a );
System.out.println( "...and we'll never get here." );
Actually you can. You need to set MemberAccess
in OgnlContext
to allow access to non public fields and use getValue(ExpressionAccessor expression, OgnlContext context, Object root)
method to retrieve value.
public void shouldSetup() throws OgnlException {
class A {
private Object b = "foo";
private Object c = "bar";
public Object getB() { return b; }
A a = new A();
// set DefaultMemberAccess with allowed access into the context
OgnlContext context = new OgnlContext();
context.setMemberAccess(new DefaultMemberAccess(true));
System.out.println( "This'll work..." );
// use context in getValue method
Ognl.getValue( "b", context, a );
System.out.println( "...and this'll work..." );
// use context in getValue method
Ognl.getValue( "c", context, a );
System.out.println( "...and we'll get here." );