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PHP - pregreplace url

i am trying to use preg_replace on a url to an image in HTML format, and turn it into BBCode.

From: <img src="">

To: [sign]Name+Surname[/sign]

Note: the filename of the png file can be just Name, it can contain a middle name like: Name+Middlename+Surname, it can also contain - and %2527 like Carl-Philips or Bob+Mc%2527Donalds

So this is what I've tried so far, but it's not doing anything. What am I doing wrong?

$source = array(
    '#\<img src=\"http\:\/\/\/char\/sign\/\>(.+).png\>#isU'

$new = array(

$text = preg_replace($source, $new, $text);


  • You should use a parser (How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?) for these in the future. You have a few typos in your regex.

    This should accomplish what you are after:

    /<img src="http:\/\/website\.com\/char\/sign\/(.+?)\.png">/

    Demo (with exmplanation of regex):

    PHP Example:

    $source = '/<img src="http:\/\/website\.com\/char\/sign\/(.+?)\.png">/';
    $new = '[sign]$1[/sign]';
    $text = '<img src="">, <img src="">, <img src="">';
    $text = preg_replace($source, $new, $text);
    echo $text;


    [sign]Name+Surname[/sign], [sign]Bob-Robinson[/sign], [sign]Michael%2527Ross[/sign]

    PHP Demo: