I am trying to execute system command for example
system('git clone .....' );
if ($?) {
croak('Error while cloning git repository');
Here I am checking if result is success, but how not to output the error from the system command, for example in my case, I can get somthing like
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
From executed command.
I need to get this error into the variable and suppress it(don't print this to the terminal)
And than check this error message.
Or at least just supress it.
I need to test such subroutine in the following way
dies_ok { MyModule::sub_uses_system_command() } 'Died :(';
Is it possible to get such result ?
Thx in advance.
only returns the exit status of the program that was executed, if you want to get the standard output you can use qx/command/
or backticks to execute the command:
my $result = `git clone [...] 2>&1`
You should note that the qx/command/
and backticks form of executing commands only returns STDOUT, so if you want to capture STDERR you need to redirect STDERR to STDOUT in your command.