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EasyNetQ - Delayed messages with topics

Is there a way of publishing delayed messages with topics with EasyNetQ? I was able to send direct delayed messages using the FuturePublish method, but it doesn't allow me to specify a topic.


Scheduling Events with Future Publish

RabbitMQ gets support for delayed messages delivery



  • It should be possible, yes. The delayed message exchange allows you to specify the type of exchange to use after the delay: fanout, topic, direct.

    Looking at the code samples in the second link you posted, you should only need to change the "direct" configuration to "topic".

    IDictionary args = new Dictionary
        {"x-delayed-type", "topic"} //----------- here
    channel.ExchangeDeclare("DelayedTest", "x-delayed-message", true, false, args);

    then follow the rest of the example as shown and you can publish with a topic for the routing key.