I'm stuck trying to convert a bunch of integer variables (with values from one to 10, plus a few NAs) into the same number of boolean variables, where values<=8 become FALSE, >8 become TRUE, and NAs remain as NAs.
Based on other Q&As around, I tried the following but nothing worked:
TPS <- names(datos[,1:3])
for(i in TPS) {
data4[[i]]==NA <- NA
data4[[i]]<8 <- FALSE
data4[[i]]>=8 <- TRUE
TPS <- names(data4[,8:48])
for(i in TPS) {
data4[,i]==NA <- NA
data4[,i]<8 <- FALSE
data4[,i]>=8 <- TRUE
TPS <- names(data4[,8:48])
for(i in TPS) {
ifelse(data4[,i]<8, FALSE, TRUE)
I know how to do it one variable at a time, but my dataset have 64 variables I have to transform in just 2 different ways, so a procedure to do this in just 2 steps would be extremely useful.
You can just use
data4[,8:48] >8
The output will be a logical matrix
values and NA
(if there are).