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Showing list of nonpersistent objects in xaf

I want to show a listview of nonpersistent objects using xaf. I have a nonpersistent class. I want to show it as a listview when a popup window is popped. So far I couldn't manage to do it. Any help is appreciated.


  • There's a full example in the DevExpress Support Center: How to: Display a List of Non-Persistent Objects. You can even run it online.

    The bulk of the solution is this:

    public class ShowDuplicateBooksController : ObjectViewController<ListView, Book> 
        public ShowDuplicateBooksController() 
            PopupWindowShowAction showDuplicatesAction = 
                new PopupWindowShowAction(this, "ShowDuplicateBooks", "View");
            showDuplicatesAction.CustomizePopupWindowParams += showDuplicatesAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams;
        void showDuplicatesAction_CustomizePopupWindowParams(object sender, CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs e) 
            Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach(Book book in View.CollectionSource.List) {
                if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.Title)) {
                    if(dictionary.ContainsKey(book.Title)) {
                        dictionary.Add(book.Title, 1);
            DuplicatesList duplicateList = new DuplicatesList();
            int duplicateId = 0;
            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, int> record in dictionary) {
                if (record.Value > 1) {
                        new Duplicate() {
                            Id = duplicateId,
                            Title = record.Key, 
                            Count = record.Value });
            e.View = Application.CreateDetailView(Application.CreateObjectSpace(), duplicateList);
            e.DialogController.SaveOnAccept = false;
            e.DialogController.CancelAction.Active["NothingToCancel"] = false;

    For all things DevExpress, you should try their support center first.