I am getting error when i refer display tag reference from struts tag.
<display:table name="lstEntities" uid="prty">
<display:column property="propertyType.propertyTypeName"
titleKey="common.propertytype" />
<display:column property="propertyName" titleKey="common.property" />
<display:column titleKey="common.concern" >
<s:select list="${prty.propertyConcern}" listKey="prtyCrnId" listValue="concern.concernText"></s:select>
Custom tag attribute list cannot be runtime expression. value: "[${prty.propertyConcern}]"
Please help me. how to resolve this.
Such expressions were allowed in earlier releases of Struts2, but were turned off after struts 2.0.10 to resolve a security issue.
You should be able to access the "prty" object in struts tags using this alternative syntax:
<s:select list="#attr.prty.propertyConcern" listKey="prtyCrnId" listValue="concern.concernText"></s:select>