I am struggling with including a custom map with custom data into Highmaps. I am sure it's a pretty dumb thing, but I just can't find any examples and explanations on the web.
I have a JSON file with the data, and a GeoJSON file with the map. So, it could look like this:
$(function ()
$.getJSON('http://xxx/data/P_.json', function (data)
// Initiate the chart
series : [
data : data,
mapData: 'http://www/data/countries.geojson',
joinBy: ['Name', 'Countries'],
But something is quite obviously wrong. How do I add then the custom mapData?
Thanks for your help!
There is a instruction about how to create custom geoJSON: http://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/custom-geojson-maps
In 9. there is link to jsFiddle that show how geoJSON file should be parsed to be used by Highcharts as mapData: http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/xbzxfx2L/
$('#run').click(function () {
var geojson = $.parseJSON($('#geojson').val());
// Initiate the chart
$('#container').slideDown().highcharts('Map', {
series: [{
mapData: geojson