From within my Android application, I need to make the phone 'checkin' with Google for Market updates. This can be done manually by the user by opening the dialer and typing '*#*#CHECKIN#*#*
'. My app needs the ability to do the same thing.
I'm positive this done using an Intent. Some digging shows that the Alarm Manager has this pending intent waiting:
RTC_WAKEUP #5: Alarm{44b1ee18 type 0}
type=0 when=1277981220358 repeatInterval=40212000 count=0
operation=PendingIntent{44b256c0: PendingIntentRecord{44c26a80 broadcastIntent}}
Now the question is, how do I get my app to broadcast this same type of Intent? I tried this.sendBroadcast(myIntent) in the activity with no luck, so I'm rather stumped at the moment.
Any thoughts?
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:*%23*%232432546%23*%23*")));
I got it today by hex encoding the #, and calling the dialer. Root66 gave me the tip