how can i clip/crop/mask or just set the frame of a CCSprite in Cocos2D?
Something similar to: setting the frame for UIView, with clipping subviews = TRUE
My CCSprite Main Sprite have multiple Child Sprite added to it. I only want Mask part of that Main Sprite Sprite visible. Is there a way to clip or use a mask for CCSprite?
I could cut the background and layer that on top, leaving only that visible area, but is that the only way?!
here's a sample image demonstrating what I'm trying to achieve:
I ended up using GL_SCISSOR.
in MainSprite I impemented:
- (void) visit
if (!self.visible) {
glScissor(x, y, width, height);
[super visit];
This will clip or mask the specified area.
The only tricky bit is that in Landscape mode Cocos2D has 0,0 at the bottom-left side of the screen, while OpenGL has it at the bottom-right corner as it doesn't consider the orientation of the screen.
In other words, for OpenGL consider you have a rotated portrait Screen.