I have a content type of resource that has five different resource types (video, article, book, etc.). Each of these resources has a main image field (field_image). If the user doesn't provide an image I want to fallback to a default image. However, I would like the default image to be based on the type of resource (video, article, book, etc.). Is there a module or solution to do this within the Drupal UI? I need the image to be attached to the content type (not hard coded in templates) so that it displays properly on detail, list, and other view pages.
Expected Functionality
What I've tried
Google: I've tried but failed to find anything that would make this possible. I understand by default Drupal allows only one default image per content type. I could make a new content type for each of my five types, but that seems unnecessary and clunky.
Hard code: I have a template for my resource detail page where I've hard coded the relevant default image to show if there is no image present, but this doesn't scale well as I have many views (resource list, related resources, etc.) where I am displaying resource images.
Conditional Fields: I've tried the module Field Dependencies (e.g., when field_type = x, set field_image = y), but it doesn't appear to work with files.
The hook_field_attach_view_alter()
is your way to go, if your view uses the content display (and not field by field). If your view relies on field display, you can try hook_field_attach_load()
function yourmodule_field_attach_view_alter(&$output, $context) {
// Append RDF term mappings on displayed taxonomy links.
if ($context['entity_type'] == 'node' && $context['entity']->type == 'resource') {
foreach (element_children($output) as $field_name) {
if ($field_name == 'field_resource') {
$element = &$output[$field_name];
foreach ($element ['#items'] as $delta => $item) {
yourmodule_defaultimg($item, $node->field_resource_type['und'][0]['value']);
function yourmodule_defaultimg(&$item, $resource_type) {
switch($resource_type) {
case "Article":
$filename = 'default_resource_article.jpg';
$uri = 'public://default_images/default_resource_article.jpg';
case "Book":
$filename = 'default_resource_book.jpg';
$uri = 'public://default_images/default_resource_book.jpg';
case "Video":
$filename = 'default_resource_video.jpg';
$uri = 'public://default_images/default_resource_video.jpg';
case "Tool":
$filename = 'default_resource_tool.jpg';
$uri = 'public://default_images/default_resource_tool.jpg';
case "Picture of Practice":
$filename = 'default_resource_picture-of-practice.jpg';
$uri = 'public://default_images/default_resource_picture-of-practice.jpg';
$item['uri'] = $uri;
$item['filename'] = $filename;