My XML layout:
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical"...>
<View android:id="@+id/bar" .../>
<TextView android:id="@+id/text" .../>
I have default.css:
#bar{ background-color: red; }
#text{ color: red; }
And custom.css:
#text{ color: green; }
If I do "PixateFreestyle.init(this);", I can see that by applying default.css (View - red, TextView - red).
If I do "PixateFreestyle.init(this, "custom.css");", I can see that by applying custom.css (View - not red, default value of view, TextView - green).
How to merge default.css and custom.css? I want to get View - red, TextView - green.
In other words, I want to initialize library with two files that styles applied from both.
In order to solve my problem, I'm using the default.css, and then I'm downloading custom.css and apply it over the default.