I am using Cashier in Laravel 5.1 for stripe payment. I want to check how to create a new database entry only when the stripe payment is successful. I am doing something like this:
if ($user->subscribed())
$subscribe = $user->subscription()->increment($totalQuantity);
else {
$subscribe = $user->subscription('monthly')->quantity($totalQuantity)->create($postData['token']);
if($subscribe) {
// Insert into Database
I thought the stripe subscription will return true or false so I can check if the last payment was successful and proceed. But the $subscribe
is empty.
How can I check if the last stripe payment was successful before I proceed with the DB insert queries? I have read the docs and it only mentioned about checking the overall subscription like using
`if ($user->subscribed())`
but it doesn't mention about how to check if the last stripe subscription charge was successful. How will I do that?
You'll probably want to look at the "handling failed subscriptions" and "handling other webhooks" sections. http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/billing#handling-failed-subscriptions
Webhooks are where a 3rd party does a callback to a URL for your application. For example, with stripe someone has just subscribed and made the payment, stripe will then visit a URL of your application with various information about whether that payment was decline, successful, etc. See https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks
You can register the route to your application in your stripe dashboard under Your Account > Account Settings > Webhooks > Add New Endpoint