Here is what I’m trying to do with the actual code:
if (there are multiple episodes in a tvshow folder AND at least one episode is marked as unwatched){
delete the watched episodes
My goal here is to always leave a single episode in the TVShow folder. Even if that show is marked as watched or unwatched. The only condition where deletion occurs is when there are multiple episodes and one of those episodes is marked as unwatched. I need this script to run on ALL the tvshows in iTunes. This will keep my iTunes account smaller and auto delete watched shows for me. Anyone know how to do this? I’m very new to Applescripting.
BTW, and if it matters, the TVShows I'm referring to are ones that I've added to the iTunes library OUTSIDE of the iTunes store. This script will not be deleting purchased tvshows. I appreciate any help!
Providing a script which deletes something is always quite dangerous.
As your request is a bit ambiguous
… at least one episode is marked as unwatched
… a single episode … even if that show is marked as watched or unwatched
the script is going to delete all watched episodes in the playlist TV Shows
if there is at least one unwatched episode.
All unwatched episodes are not deleted.
There are two scripts one for testing and and one for deleting.
Script #1 doesn't delete anything but displays the list of the items which are supposed to be deleted.
tell application "iTunes"
set watchedEpisodes to tracks of playlist "TV Shows" whose unplayed is false and played count > 0
set unwatchedEpisodes to tracks of playlist "TV Shows" whose unplayed is true
if (count unwatchedEpisodes) > 0 then
set trackNames to {}
repeat with anEpisode in watchedEpisodes
set end of trackNames to ((name of anEpisode) as text) & " of show " & show of anEpisode
end repeat
set {TID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
display dialog trackNames as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
end if
end tell
Please check the output carefully
Script #2 deletes the items matching the criteria
tell application "iTunes"
set watchedEpisodes to tracks of playlist "TV Shows" whose unplayed is false and played count > 0
set unwatchedEpisodes to tracks of playlist "TV Shows" whose unplayed is true
if (count unwatchedEpisodes) > 0 then
repeat with anEpisode in watchedEpisodes
delete anEpisode
end repeat
end if
end tell