So, I have a block of code which sets the bounders to check if a character is a letter (not numbers, not symbols), but I don't think it works for the characters in between upper and lower case. Can you help? Thanks!
mov al, byte ptr[esi + ecx]; move the first character to al
cmp al, 0 ; compare al with null which is the end of string
je done ; if yes, jump to done
cmp al, 0x41 ; compare al with "A" (upper bounder)
jl next_char ; jump to next character if less
cmp al, 0x7A ; compare al with "z" (lower bounder)
jg next_char ; jump to next character if greater
//do something if it's a letter
//do something different
You need to have a logic that combines multiple conditions similar to what would be a "C" statement: if((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))
You can do that like this:
je done ; if yes, jump to done
cmp al, 0x41 ; compare al with "A"
jl next_char ; jump to next character if less
cmp al, 0x5A ; compare al with "Z"
jle found_letter ; if al is >= "A" && <= "Z" -> found a letter
cmp al, 0x61 ; compare al with "a"
jl next_char ; jump to next character if less (since it's between "Z" & "a")
cmp al, 0x7A ; compare al with "z"
jg next_char ; above "Z" -> not a character
// ...
// ...