i am currently trying to get code running as a background service. what this code does is:
and this is set to happen in a 30 sec interval again and again.
now if my app stays in the background for too long, it will get disposed by the device and that code will not be executed anymore. what would be the right kind of background service for this usecase?
one of my main concernes is that i save my data in a singleton. but if my app is disposed this singleton will probably not exist anymore.
intent service doesnt make sense imho because it runs a one time tasks and has to be restarted from an app that might already be disposed at that point. using the alarm manager would mean that i will have to save everything out of the app (sqllite for example) and then retrieve that data when the activity is started again which sounds rather complicated.
can someone please help me out here?
thanks in advance!
You sir needs the service of GCM https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/
Thats exactly what you need for your desire ;)
But it's not less complicated as sticking to background services.
Also you can do a Hack: having two services watching your service to keep on running and itself...I swear when the User doesn't stop your app manually in the menu the System won't be able to stop them itself. Foolproof.