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Yeoman generated angularjs ng-repeat not showing data from controller

My first foray into the MEAN world. I used yo angular to generate a bootstrapped angular application. Next I replaced the default content of the auto generated about.html with

<div ng-controller="AboutCtrl">
    <li ng-repeat="thing in awesomeThings">
      {{ thing }}

An except of the about.js controller is:

'use strict';

 * @ngdoc function
 * @name clientApp.controller:AboutCtrl
 * @description
 * # AboutCtrl
 * Controller of the clientApp
  .controller('AboutCtrl', function () {
    this.awesomeThings = [
      'HTML5 Boilerplate',

Related content from the index.html file are:

<body ng-app="clientApp">
<div class="container">
<div ng-view=""></div>

As I said, the only change I made to the entire application is to change the content of the about.html file.

I then use grunt serve to run the program which opens the application in a browser. When I visit the about page, there is nothing, blank. I have read a bit about angular but so far nothing I have read is giving me any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong.

When yo angular was doing its stuff, I noticed a red text that complained about package.json already existing, later on the process seemed to hang till I pressed I hit Enter, then it continued to overwrite the package.json file and proceeded to the end with the comment that everything completed without errors.

I sure will appreciate every help.


  • this in

      .controller('AboutCtrl', function () {
        this.awesomeThings = [
          'HTML5 Boilerplate',

    implies that you have to use controllerAs syntax:

    <div ng-controller="AboutCtrl as about">
        <li ng-repeat="thing in about.awesomeThings">
          {{ thing }}