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CocoaLumberjack 1.9.x legacy macros enabled + DDLogWarn macros redefined

I have a project using Cocoalumberjack 2.x as Cocoapod. The project uses Obj-C mostly, but also a few Swift classes.

I allways get these warnings:

Disable legacy macros by importing CocoaLumberjack.h or DDLogMacros.h instead of DDLog.h or add `#define DD_LEGACY_MACROS 0` before importing DDLog.h.

In the main project I don't have a file that imports DDLog.h. Only CocoaLumberjack in the Pods import DDLog.h.

I also get the DDLogError macro redefined, DDLogInfo macro redefined etc warning. What's the problem leading to this?


  • I believe the issue stems from the DDLegacyMacros.h missing:


    on line 21 and:


    on line 75. Then in DDLog.h, replace:

        #import "DDLegacyMacros.h"


    #import "DDLegacyMacros.h"

    When applying the new use_frameworks! option in Cocoapods, a bridging header is automatically generated. This bridging header must import DDLegacyMacros.h directly. This leads to CocoaLumberjack 1.9.x legacy macros enabled. and macro redefined warnings.

    Therefore it is not enough to merely check the flag in DDLog.h.