I want to get bootstrap confidence intervals for more than one statistics through boot.ci
function. Here is my MWE.
I've two statistics in out
and want to find the bootstrap confidence intervals for these two statistics. However, boot.ci
function is providing the bootstrap confidence intervals for only first statistic (t1*) but not for the second statistic (t2*).
df <- rnorm(n=10, mean = 0, sd = 1)
Boot.fun <-
function(data, idx) {
data1 <- sample(data[idx], replace=TRUE)
m1 <- mean(data1)
sd1 <- sd(data1)
out <- cbind(m1, sd1)
Boot.fun(data = df)
boot.out <- boot(df, Boot.fun, R = 20)
boot(data = df, statistic = Boot.fun, R = 20)
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
t1* -0.4815861 0.3190424 0.2309631
t2* 0.9189246 -0.1998455 0.2499412
boot.ci(boot.out=boot.out, conf = 0.95, type = c("norm", "basic", "perc", "bca"))
Based on 20 bootstrap replicates
boot.ci(boot.out = boot.out, conf = 0.95, type = c("norm", "basic",
"perc", "bca"))
Intervals :
Level Normal Basic
95% (-1.2533, -0.3479 ) (-1.1547, -0.4790 )
Level Percentile BCa
95% (-0.4842, 0.1916 ) (-0.4842, -0.4629 )
Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
Warning : Basic Intervals used Extreme Quantiles
Some basic intervals may be unstable
Warning : Percentile Intervals used Extreme Quantiles
Some percentile intervals may be unstable
Warning : BCa Intervals used Extreme Quantiles
Some BCa intervals may be unstable
Warning messages:
1: In norm.inter(t, (1 + c(conf, -conf))/2) :
extreme order statistics used as endpoints
2: In norm.inter(t, alpha) : extreme order statistics used as endpoints
3: In norm.inter(t, adj.alpha) :
extreme order statistics used as endpoints
The boot
package is (IMO) a little clunky for regular use. The short answer is that you need to specify index
(default value is 1) to boot.ci
, e.g. boot.ci(boot.out,index=2)
. The long answer is that it would certainly be convenient to get the bootstrap CIs for all of the bootstrap statistics at once!
Get all CI for a specified result slot:
getCI <- function(x,w) {
b1 <- boot.ci(x,index=w)
## extract info for all CI types
tab <- t(sapply(b1[-(1:3)],function(x) tail(c(x),2)))
## combine with metadata: CI method, index
tab <- cbind(w,rownames(tab),as.data.frame(tab))
colnames(tab) <- c("index","method","lwr","upr")
## do it for both parameters
Results (maybe not what you want, but easy to reshape):
index method lwr upr
normal 1 normal -1.2533079 -0.3479490
basic 1 basic -1.1547310 -0.4789996
percent 1 percent -0.4841726 0.1915588
bca 1 bca -0.4841726 -0.4628899
normal1 2 normal 0.6288945 1.6086459
basic1 2 basic 0.5727462 1.4789105
percent1 2 percent 0.3589388 1.2651031
bca1 2 bca 0.6819394 1.2651031
Alternatively, if you can live with getting one bootstrap method at a time, my version of the broom
package on Github has this capability (I've submitted a pull request)
## devtools::install_github("bbolker/broom")