I am using Django 1.5. and django-tastypie
I am testing a use case where, first I have to create an object and then update that object via rest api. e.g.
class FooTest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['df_fixtures1.json']
def setUp(self):
print "SETTING UP?"
def tearDown(self):
print "Tear Down"
def test_foo_delete(self):
member1 = Client()
response = member1.post('/fooapi/api/foo/?format=json', json_data, content_type="application/json") #**This creates the foo object**
META = {'X-HTTP-Method-Override':'PATCH'}
response123 = member1.put(response['location'],
content_type="application/json", META = META
) **#This gives a 501**
The second request gives 501 error. On the server side there is a def obj_update i.e. a method to handle the update/patch request. What is the best way to update the object using Django client for rest api.
As the "PATCH" method is available from django 1.6 onwards this can be used as a hack on Django 1.5
response123 = member1.put(response['location'],
data = data,
This will change the method from put to PATCH. Hope this helps someone else.