This is my website -
I have been trying to change the main nav colour to an orange when it is rolled over and when a page is clicked on. I have figured out you have to change the 'text' colour in the backend customization BUT this also changes the text of the product descriptions.
Is there a way to override the CSS so that the product descriptions remain grey, while the main nav can rollover to orange and stay orange when clicked on?
You can change the hover color of the Luna theme's navigation bar links by adding the following CSS at the very bottom of Customize Design > Advanced > CSS:
#main_nav li a:hover {
color: #ff0000;
Just replace the color with whatever you'd like and you're all set. Then to activate the "selected" class for every category page, you can do the following:
Everywhere you have a link like this in the Layout code:
<li><a href="">Vessels</a></li>
You need to replace it using the following format:
<li {% if page.full_url contains '/category/vessels' %}class="selected"{% endif %}><a href="/category/vessels">Vessels</a></li>
And finally, you'll need to use this CSS:
#main_nav li a:hover, #main_nav li.selected a {
color: #FF0000