I'm trying to write a custom formly template to use ng-tags-input:
angular.module('myMod').run(function(formlyConfig) {
template:"<label class='control-label' ng-if='to.label'>{{to.label}}</label>" +
"<tags-input ng-model='model[options.key]' ng-attr-placeholder='{{to.placeholder}}'>" +
"<auto-complete source='{{to.tags}}'></auto-complete></tags-input>"
where to.tags
refers to the formly template's templateOptions:
templateOptions: {
tags: 'dataModel.getProductTags()'
Using double-braces in this context causes a $parse error. How can I fill that source
attribute indirectly from the content of to.tags
I've also tried ng-attr-source='to.tags'
, with no luck.
I suspect I'm just not thinking of something obvious. If easy and sensible, please include relevant references.
The solution was to put the function, not the name of the function, in templateOptions, like so:
templateOptions: {
tags: dataModel.getProductTags
and in the template, just invoke it:
<auto-complete source='to.tags()'>
This requires that the function itself must be accessible from the formly template, but in my case that's not a problem.