This is less of a programming question, and more of a question to understand what is what? I am not a CS major, and I am trying to understand the basic difference between these 3 formats :
1) EBCDIC 2) Unsigned binary number 3) Binary coded decimal
If this is not a real question, I apologize, but google was not very useful in explaining this to me
Say I have a string of numbers like "12890". What would their representation in
EBCDIC, Unsigned binary number and BCD format?
Is there a python 2.6 library I can use to simply convert any string of numbers to either of these formats?
For example, for string to ebcdic, I am doing
def encodeEbcdic(text):
return text.decode('latin1').encode('cp037')
print encodeEbcdic('AGNS')
But, I get this ┴╟╒Γ
saulspatz, thanks for your explanation. I was able to find out what are the necessary methods needed to convert any string of numbers into their different encoding. I had to refer to Effective Python Chapter 1, Item 3 : Know the Differences Between bytes, str, and unicode
And from there on, I read more about data types and such.
Anyway, to answer my questions :
1) String to EBCDIC:
def encode_ebcdic(text):
return text.decode('latin1').encode('cp037')
The encoding here is cp037 for USA. You can use cp500 for International. Here is a list of them :
2) Hexadecimal String to unsigned binary number :
def str_to_binary(text):
return int(str, 16)
This is pretty basic, just convert the Hexadecimal string to a number.
3) Hexadecimal string to Binary coded decimal:
def str_to_bcd(text):
return bytes(str).decode('hex')
Yes, you need to convert it to a byte array, so that BCD conversion can take place. Please read saulspatz answer for what BCD encoding is.